About Enterprise:
The Aerolam Group of Companies is a renowned organisation that comprises a team of expert professionals and offers a wide range of high-quality and precisely engineered products. Our advanced R&D and engineering capabilities allow us to develop innovative solutions and offer them to our customers at competitive prices.

Thermal wraps

Key Features :Hybrid Layer ABP+XLPE+ABF, Pure Aluminum Foil Lamination Both sides, lowers cooling load of a building Can withstand temp upto - Reduction in heat loss - Enhanced energy savings, Bubble + XLPE Hybrid produd
Hardware Requirements :Axe blade Existing MS frame Wall panel for covering
Skill Type :Skilled labor
Product Dimensions :Bubble Size 10mm X 30mm Roll Size 1.25m X 40m
Thickness :15 mm
Technology :Bubble Insulation
Indicative Solar Design
Solar Specification is not Available.
*The above-provided designs are tentative. May vary in actual.

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