About Enterprise:
Alto Precision offers services and equipment that are tailored to your needs. We offer you a dedicated team of engineers, designers, machine builders, and market experts who develop solutions to keep you on the leading edge of your industry. A subsidiary of Alto Precision, ‘Small-scale Efficient Machinery for Agriculture (SEMA)’ – helps small and middle-scale rice farmers process crops efficiently through solar-powered multi-stage mills. Our innovative products provide a range of benefits to the farmer, the consumer, and the environment.”https://altoprecision.com/”

SEMA Pre-cleaner|250 kg

Model Name :SEMA Pre-cleaner
Model No :PC 250
Processing Capacity :250 kg
Power :0.5 HP
Voltage :220 V
Material :Stainless Steel
Warranty as per Vendor :1 Year
Indicative Solar Design
Solar Panel :1675 Wp
Battery :5760 Wh
Solar Invertor/ Charge Controller :4 kW, 5 kVA, 96 V
Working Hour :3 Hrs
This indicative solar design are approximately suitable for 1 -2 hours of operations daily.
*The above-provided designs are tentative. May vary in actual.

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