About Enterprise:
Established in the year 2014 at Pune, Maharashtra, we “Agricult Industries” are a Sole Proprietorship based firm, engaged as the foremAost Manufacturer and Trader of Jeevamrut Tank, Roto Molding Pallets, etc. These products are offered by us most affordable rates. Furthermore, we ensure to timely deliver these products to our clients, through this we have gained a huge client base in the market. https://jeevamrut.com/

Pruthviraj Slurry Filter -1100 Litres|2000 litres filtered slurry

Model Name :Pruthviraj Slurry Filter -1100 Litres
Processing Capacity :Can receive up to 2000 litres of filtered slurry (diluted)
Warranty as per Vendor :1 Year
Storage Capacity :1100 Liters
Load Capacity :Max 15kg Dung
Usage/Application :Agriculture Purpose - Bio fertilizers
Suitability :Suitable for farm sizes of 4-6 acres
Indicative Solar Design
Solar Specification is not available.
*The above-provided designs are tentative. May vary in actual.
Does not include solar solution costing.

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