About Enterprise:
FarmEasy was promoted as a sub-unit of WASSAN Foundation, part of WASSAN Group Institutions. Focus in mainly on easing the manual workload on farm labourers especially women workers and increase the accessibility and availability of innovative implements, at a reasonable price. gofarmeasy.in .

Farm Easy Sprayer

Model Name :Sprayer
Voltage :12 V
Material :Mild Steel
Dimension :L*B*H - 1500*600*900 mm
Weight :30-35 kgs (approx)
Usage/Application :Spraying
Suitability :Dry land crops
Indicative Solar Design
Solar Panel :60 W
Battery :12V, 7Ah
This indicative solar design are approximately suitable for 1 -2 hours of operations daily.
*The above-provided designs are tentative. May vary in actual.
Does not include solar solution costing.

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