About Enterprise:
Solar cool is established to bring the solar products to everyone’s daily life, with modern technology at an affordable cost and high efficiency with lower electricity bills. Now your selection of Eco Friendly solar products could actually help the planet, as well as unlock a wide range of healthy advantages to a customer. We take a closer look at how the latest Solar technology is transforming to your home and office spaces and introduced our wide range of Solar Air Conditioners, Inverter Water Geyser, Solar Refrigerator, Solar Deep Freezer, Ceiling Fan to the market.

Cold Storages-4 MT

Model Name :SolarCool
Model No :CS-211
Voltage :24 V
Storage Capacity :4 MT
Indicative Solar Design
Solar Panel :2.4 kWp
This indicative solar design are approximately suitable for 1 -2 hours of operations daily.
*The above-provided designs are tentative. May vary in actual.

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