About Enterprise:
Narang Scientific Industries Founded in 1954 as Manufacturers of Scientific Instruments and Laboratory Equipments.The company is one of the leading suppliers of Physics, Chemistry and Biology Laboratory Equipments to schools ,colleges and research institutions. The sincere efforts made jointly by Management and Skilled Workers it touched great heights. To provide best quality products is the main aim of the company.

Butter Churner | 20 Liters

Model Name :Butter Churner 20 Litre Electrically Operated
Power :0.5 HP
Voltage :220 V fdg
Material :Stainless Steel
Key Features :Mounted on - Stainless Steel Stand with Sight Glass, variable speed drive and discharge nipple.
Suitability :Used for making the butter
Indicative Solar Design
Solar Specification is not available.
Does not include solar solution costing.

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