About Enterprise:
India is a fast developing nation with an ever-growing need for energy. Energy saved is energy conserved. The enormous economic changes have broadened its horizons. Today we have an economy that is galloping at a furious rate. This growth has increased our demand for energy conservation to fight against drastic environmental changes, smog and declining air quality mainly due to the increased pollution & solar heat

Cool Roof Paints

Warranty as per Vendor :Life of more than 8 years over
Key Features :Cool Wrap is a single component coating for cool walls with Sun Reflextive Index value of more than 75, Cool Wrap provides IR Reflection of the IR Radiations and stops the heating of walls, Solar effiency by 15 %
Hardware Requirements :Paint brush/roller, Thinners, Waste Cloth
Skill Type :Skilled labour
Product Dimensions :Carboy and Buckets (5kg, 10kg, 20kg)
Suitability (Spatial and climate) :Facades, Metal sheet walls
Technology :Cool Wrap
Warranty as per Vendor :Life of more than 8 years over
Indicative Solar Design
Solar Specification is not Available.
*The above-provided designs are tentative. May vary in actual.

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