About Enterprise:
DELMARC has pioneered in the art of Manufacturing Poultry/Dehydrators/Dryers Appliances in India. The Company is manufacturing Best Quality Fully Automatic Incubators and Dryer machines supplying all over the India and exporting Asian region. In house R&D and effective quality assurance bring you value added reliable and cost effective products. our priority always remains to give value for money to our customers through fair and honest pricing and a team of dedicated distribution network. We are making a relentless effort to meet your expectations and challenging ourselves to reconnoitre the unexplored.

1000 Egg Incubator

Power :0.62 HP
Voltage :230V, 5A, 50/60 Hz
Key Features :Automatic Turning
Weight :120Kg
Storage Capacity :1000 Chicken, Duck Eggs/2400 Quail
Dimension :72*26*37
Usage/Application :Chicken /Duck
Indicative Solar Design
Solar Panel : 3600 Wp
Battery :38400 Wh
Solar Invertor/ Charge Controller :48VDC, 4kW
Working Hour :2 hrs
This indicative solar design are approximately suitable for 2 -3 hours of operations daily.
*The above-provided designs are tentative. May vary in actual.
Does not include solar solution costing.

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